Now for some special situations. This is a stable molecule. Notice how all of the atoms are satisfied. When playing Chiral, a stable molecule will disappear from the playfield when it is completed. In this case, we will let you take a closer look at it. The purple atom still needs a bond; so does the red. When you place the last red atom, both atoms, plus the one you place, will be satisfied. The green atom needs three bonds. Here it bonds with the red and purple atoms. By placing the red one from the vial, you will give the green atom the third bond it needs. Let's continue to build this molecule by placing the green atom from the vial where indicated. You could have satisfied the first red atom by placing any atom on either of these two spots. This red one needs two bonds. You can satisfy it by placing the next red atom from the vial next to it. This blue atom needs one bond. It is now satisfied. Click to place the next atom. This purple atom needs four bonds. Click where indicated to place the next atom. To begin building a simple molecule, place the bottom atom from the vial by clicking on the playfield.